Can I submit an art or music supplement with my application?

We don’t admit students to our music or art majors based on their prior skills or experience — these majors are available to any enrolling student who has an interest. Due to the volume of applications received, the admissions committee is unable to review art or music supplements.

However, several departments on campus offer scholarship opportunities for students that include portfolios or auditions:

  • Kenan Music Scholars Program: The Department of Music offers a four-year renewable scholarship covering tuition, fees, room and board. Students interested in majoring in music can audition for these scholarships while applying to Carolina.
  • Thomas Wolfe Scholarship (creative writing): The Department of English and Comparative Literature offers a four-year renewable scholarship covering tuition, fees, room and board as well as funding for a new laptop and a summer stipend. Selection for this scholarship focuses upon the written work submitted by candidates.