First-Year Registration Roadmap

Need a printout to keep this top of mind? We've got you covered.



Placement Exams

After you accept your offer of admission

Complete the optional math placement test if you do not have ACT, AP, or college transfer credit. Complete the language placement exam in your selected language.


Prepare for Advising and Orientation

3 weeks before Orientation

New Student and Family Programs will send an email to your UNC email address with important information on how to confirm attendance, complete the required pre-appointment online module, and provide information about your virtual 1:1 advising appointment.


Virtual 1:1 Advising Appointment

Before your Orientation session

Discuss your interests and receive guidance on fall course selection during a 30-minute appointment with an Advisor over Zoom.


New Student Orientation

June 11-August 14

Get ready for initial registration for fall classes by attending sessions with UNC Advising, the University Registrar, and Orientation Leaders.


Post-Orientation Modules

Before your registration appointment

Complete the post-Orientation modules for UNC Advising and the University Registrar on the Advising-Class of 2028 Canvas course site.


Initial Registration for Fall Classes

July 8, 15, 22 or 29

Register for fall classes in ConnectCarolina during your assigned 24-hour registration appointment: exact date provided when you sign up for New Student Orientation. As seats in classes for new students are divided equitably among the four dates, there is no advantage to having an earlier appointment. Once the 24-hour registration appointment is complete, you will be able to make additional changes to your schedule starting August 2 during First-Year Open Enrollment.


First-Year Open Enrollment

August 2 at 10 a.m. through August 4

First-year students can continue registrering for fall classes in ConnectCarolina during First-Year Open Enrollment when all remaining reserved first-year seats are released. This is the second opportunity to register after the initial 24-hour registration appointment has passed and is only available to first-year students.


Open Enrollment for all undergraduates

August 5 at 12 a.m. through August 23

All undergraduates, including first-year students, can continue making changes to their fall schedule in ConnectCarolina during general Open Enrollment. Students can add and drop courses in ConnectCarolina through August 23 and drop additional courses, if needed through August 30.