Carolina students come here with the courage to ask big questions and the resourcefulness and ingenuity to seek answers.
We’re all in this together. Carolina faculty and staff have built a campus community with everything you need to sharpen skills, explore interests, discover talents, and challenge limits.

What will I study?
You can craft your own excellent experience at Carolina. You’ll discover a curriculum called IDEAs in Action, which is challenging, thought-provoking, and full of purpose.
- Start with a first-year seminar or first-year launch course.
- Immerse yourself in a service-learning course.
- Build a research project and partner with faculty to search out answers.
- Choose from more than 70 countries for a semester abroad.
Faculty are part of an engaged community you can count on to help you succeed in class and in life. They’re not only at the top of their fields, but they’re also available with their doors open, ready to listen.

Majors and Minors
Your time at Carolina begins with two years in the IDEAs in Action curriculum within Carolina’s College of Arts & Sciences. You'll then choose from more than 80 majors and minors — everything from archaeology to urban planning — gaining skills that will help you stand out wherever you go.
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