Credit Rules

If you’ve completed course work at another institution, taken placement tests, or served in the military, here's some helpful guidance about transferring your credits to Carolina.

    • Based on the type of courses taken, there are some likely scenarios for how your credit may or may not transfer to Carolina.

      Do Typically Transfer:

      • Math
      • English
      • Natural science
      • Social science
      • Foreign languages

      Rarely Transfer:

      • Professional school courses, such as business, journalism, education, and nursing

      Do Not Transfer:

      • Basic courses such as college algebra
      • Remedial courses
      • ESL courses
      • Technical courses
      • Courses UNC doesn’t offer, such as agriculture and architecture


      If you’re admitted to Carolina, then we will do a course-by-course analysis of all your coursework and give you a complete report before our enrollment deadline. It’s critical that we apply the most current rules to your situation, and these may change from now until the time in which you decide to apply and enroll.

      Explore College Credit

    • To be considered for credit and/or placement, students must ask the appropriate testing service to send us their official test results. We also offer placement in foreign language and mathematics based on other national tests.

      Explore Test Credit

      For information on repeating courses, please see the UNC catalog.

    • If you’re currently attending a community college with plans to transfer to UNC, we have developed baccalaureate degree plans for our most popular majors which can help you select your coursework at the community college. Please note that these are recommendations only. We do not require or expect that all transfer students will have completed the courses listed on these pathway documents.

      View Pathways

    • If you attended a non-U.S. institution, you’ll need to have your courses evaluated by World Education Services, Inc. This evaluation along with an original copy of your transcript will allow us to appropriately award your credit.

    • Military credit can be awarded through Joint Services Transcript (JST) or DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.

      Explore Military Credit