It had to be Carolina
Tar Heels share why they chose Chapel Hill.
Whether they’ve had their eyes set on Carolina since elementary school or they waited until the last day to decide, every Tar Heel has their own story about when they knew Carolina was the one.

“Growing up, I went to UNC football and basketball games with my parents so it’s always been my dream to come to Carolina. As I grew older, I started to appreciate the academic side, seeing how many admirable faculty are here and how dedicated they are to our success. Plus, look at me now. Who wouldn’t want to wear the greatest shade of blue?”
Charles McCain, UNC ‘27
Business admnistration
Chapel Hill, NC

“I grew up in a smaller town and I wanted the opportunity to meet people from all over the country and all over the world. I’ve really been able to do that at UNC. I’ve met people from all over. I’ve learned different languages, different people’s family recipes, and I’ve also been able to explore so many different interests of mine.”
Laurel Jennings, UNC ’26
Economics, Global Studies
hendersonville, NC

“I’m a triplet so together we visited 62 schools! Many blended together, but Carolina stood out. I saw something that I didn’t see anywhere else: passion. From the Carolina students on my campus tour to the forty-year-old alumni I met at a sweet sixteen game, they all had the same love and passion for their school. Seeing this is what ultimately convinced me to join Carolina.”
Sam Perry, UNC ’26

“I’m from a rural Native American community in North Carolina. That kind of shapes my worldview. And when I came here, I knew that I would want community and people who would understood where I was from and could support me. And through the Carolina Indian Circle, I found that and they made me feel at home and loved. It’s my home away from home.”
Alena Thomas, UNC ’26
business administration
PEmbroke, nc

“I didn’t make my decision until the day before it was due, but I had a feeling I needed to come back to campus one last time. So I came to UNC, walked around, and got lost. Then I found some great students who took time out of their day during finals to talk to me and tell me why they chose Carolina. I knew in that moment I wanted to come to UNC. I hope you’ll come to Carolina too.”
Lauryn Walker, UNC ’25
statesville, nc

“I wanted a campus that was dedicated to the broader community. Chapel Hill is a college town unlike any other, with many students seamlessly becoming part of the town’s dynamic culture. From the many volunteer opportunities at UNC Health to the tradition of rushing Franklin Street after a rivalry win, I knew this community would be both supportive and educational beyond the classroom.